Siamo mare - We are sea, Presented by the Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii
5:00 PM17:00

Siamo mare - We are sea, Presented by the Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii

Mezzo-soprano Maya Sypert, Soprano Martina Bingham, and pianist Jonathan Korth present a musical prelude featuring Italian songs and arias in a short program inspired by the stunning photography of Siamo Mare. Marine biologist Simone Franceschini and photographer Laura La Monaca from Italy will take us on a journey through the beautiful images of Italy’s seas and coastlines.

The Siamo Mare photography exhibition accompanies the Italian Navy training ship Amerigo Vespucci in a two-year world tour, visiting over thirty ports and promoting initiatives related to marine studies, education, and scientific dissemination about the seas and oceans. This journey symbolizes Italy’s deep connection with the sea and the Italian government’s commitment to marine cooperation and research.

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7:30 PM19:30

I canti della sera

Maya Sypert (University of Hawai’i at Mānoa) and pianist José Meléndez (Academy of Vocal Arts, Philadelphia) present a recital of all Italian art song. The recital is co-presented by the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa and the Friends of Italy Society of Hawaii, with additional support from the Art Song Preservation Society of New York and Hawaiʻi Opera Theatre. The program features works by Cesti, Respighi, Santoliquido, Donizetti, Verdi, Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Pizzetti, Donaudy, and Tosti; and poetry by Dante, Petrarca, D’Annunzio, Leopardi, Vittorelli, and more.

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Maya Hoover & Jonathan Korth in recital
7:00 PM19:00

Maya Hoover & Jonathan Korth in recital

The University of Hawaii at Mānoa Outreach College presents mezzo-soprano Maya Hoover and pianist Jonathan Korth in recital, streaming live from Orvis Auditorium at 7pm HST. Joined by guest artist Jonathan Clarke Sypert, they will present a program entitled “Reflections” with works by Carlos Guastavino, Ruth Schonthal, Stefano Donaudy, Francesco Paolo Tosti, Erich Korngold, John Musto, and Tom Cipullo.

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UH String Area Faculty Recital
7:30 PM19:30

UH String Area Faculty Recital

The UH Manoa Faculty String Quartet – Ignace Jang, Joseph Stepec, Anna Womack and I-Bei Lin – gives its first performance together featuring guest artists Jonathan Korth, pianist, and Maya Hoover, mezzo-soprano, and Rachel Saul, violin. Repertoire includes Chausson’s Chanson Perpétuelle and Brahms’ stormy Piano Quintet in f minor.

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Ebb and Flow Arts
4:00 PM16:00

Ebb and Flow Arts

Voice, Violin and Piano
Music from the 20th Century

Selections from Ruth Schonthal's Frühe Lieder and Alban Berg's Sieben frühe Lieder
Voice, Violin and Piano by Morton Feldman

Maya Hoover, Mezzo-Soprano
Ignace Jang, Violin
Robert Pollock, Piano

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